Emerald jewellery! Know where it comes from, what is its meaning, its healing qualities and so on as the birthstone for May. This would be the essence of the captivating infographic blog.
Meaning: The Green Emerald gemstone jewellery is a well-known symbol for love, rebirth and vitality. Its bright green color signifies nature’s beauty and the rebirth cycle. 
Origin and History: Emerald, a treasure of nature, has a legacy that goes back to the ancient empires such as Egypt and Rome. It was said that this stone held magical properties and was worn by kings and aristocrats as decorations to show-off social status and wealth.
Healing Properties: Emeralds are symbol of stability, harmony and growth. People believe that they enable the mental and physical well-being, they can bring closer the people who are far away, and they can develop higher level of consciousness. 
Birthstone Month: Emerald is the birthstone for the month of May, making it an ideal gift for those born during this time. It is said to bring luck, prosperity, and happiness

For More Information-:  https://www.jewelpin.com/blog/the-complete-guide-to-buying-emerald-jewellery-what-you-need-to-know.html

Green Emerald Jewellery Unveiling the Green Magic


Emerald jewellery! Know where it comes from, what is its meaning, its healing qualities and so on as the birthstone for May. This would be the essence of the captivating infographic blog.
Meaning: The Green Emerald gemstone jewellery is a well-known symbol for love, rebirth and vitality. Its bright green color signifies nature’s beauty and the rebirth cycle.
Origin and History: Emerald, a treasure of nature, has a legacy that goes back to the ancient empires such as Egypt and Rome. It was said that this stone held magical properties and was worn by kings and aristocrats as decorations to show-off social status and wealth.
Healing Properties: Emeralds are symbol of stability, harmony and growth. People believe that they enable the mental and physical well-being, they can bring closer the people who are far away, and they can develop higher level of consciousness.
Birthstone Month: Emerald is the birthstone for the month of May, making it an ideal gift for those born during this time. It is said to bring luck, prosperity, and happiness

For More Information-: https://www.jewelpin.com/blog/the-complete-guide-to-buying-emerald-jewellery-what-you-need-to-know.html

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