LoRaWAN Helmet Tracker Sensor or Hard Hat Tracker is based on GNSS, Bluetooth5.0, and LoRa. It supports indoor and outdoor tracking for construction site employees. It supports various features which contribute to easy management in industrial settings. Its built-in 3-axis accelerator could be used for determining the motion status of the terminal. Therefore, it can help save battery and enhance user experience.

For More: https://www.slideshare.net/slideshow/helmet-hard-hat-tracker-sensor-construction-site-employee-tracking/274931911

LoRaWAN Helmet Tracker Sensor - Construction Site Employee Tracking

130 görüntülemeler

LoRaWAN Helmet Tracker Sensor or Hard Hat Tracker is based on GNSS, Bluetooth5.0, and LoRa. It supports indoor and outdoor tracking for construction site employees. It supports various features which contribute to easy management in industrial settings. Its built-in 3-axis accelerator could be used for determining the motion status of the terminal. Therefore, it can help save battery and enhance user experience.

For More: https://www.slideshare.net/slideshow/helmet-hard-hat-tracker-sensor-construction-site-employee-tracking/274931911

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